Unloading of the 2000th SOKRATHERM CHP unit at the Volkswagen dealer.
Just before Easter 2023 we delivered the two thousandth combined heat and power unit (CHP). It will replace an old oil-fired heating system at the main site of the Volkswagen dealer Schnieder in Herford and also produce electricity. With the highly efficient generation of 50 kW power and 84 kW heat it increases Schnieder’s energy efficiency and significantly reduces both the CO2 emissions and local pollutants. The natural gas powered CHP generates the energy with 92.4 % overall efficiency and could be operated with up to 40 % hydrogen content or also with propane gas.
The supplied GG 50 VR compact CHP module is operated fully automatically by an iPC-based control system, as are all of our CHP types. All important operating data is continuously stored and can be read anytime using the remote monitoring system developed by SOKRATHERM via notebook or smartphone. Important operating messages are automatically transmitted to the service centre, which can then e.g. remotely evaluate warning messages, reset faults or arrange for customer service calls.
Together with a 6,000-litre heat storage tank, the CHP unit will supply over 70 % of the annual heat demand of the company buildings and several nearby residential buildings. On the few very cold days, a new natural gas boiler will provide the remaining heat in place of the old oil boiler. The electricity generated by the CHP will not only supply the company buildings with electricity but also the in-house e-charging stations.
For us, this 2000th order is already the second „unit anniversary“ in Herford, because No. 1000 has been delivered to Herford as well. It has been supplying the Herford hospital with electricity and heat reliably and environmentally friendly for twelve years already and will soon reach one hundred thousand operating hours.
Since CHP units are mainly operated during the heating period, they fill the „electricity valleys“ that occur due to the irregular electricity production of the solar and wind power plants, especially in winter. In the event of a grid failure, CHP units can be started within a few seconds to provide emergency power or feed in electricity on demand to stabilise the grid. Supporting the electricity grids with CHP plants will become increasingly important in the future as the demand for electricity for heat pumps increases, especially in winter.