The LWL-Klinik for psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychosomatic medicine Lippstadt is an institution of the psychiatric compound of the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL). In 2016 it was awarded with the quality seal „Energy saving hospital“ by the NGO and Friends of the Earth partner BUND for the third time. By implementing most various measurements it has reduced its CO2 emissions by 60 % since 1999.
An important contribution to this success is made by the cogeneration plant with two compact CHP units GG 140 which was commissioned in 2007 and renewed in late 2017. It has 284 kW (el) and 432 kW (th) nominal power and reaches an efficiency of 91.3 %. The two CHP units, each running over 7000 operation hours per year, are controlled by our superordinate control MaxiManager.
Here you can find the (German) Blog-Entry of the LWL Press relations about the renewed award with the BUND quality seal Energy saving hospital.