For over 45 years we work with technologies for the efficient generation of heat and power. Based on this experience, we build ready-to-connect compact CHP units in the power range 50 kW to 1 MW.
Many of the more than 2000 compact CHP units we have built so far have been reported in the professional press – for example the award-winning „Energiebunker Hamburg“, the ‚CHP plant of the year 2014‘ in the factory of Rohde AG and EnBW’s Combined Energy Center Waldbronn, winner of the Contracting Award 2018 by the industry associaton AGFW.
The product range of SOKRATHERM comprises:
SOKRATHERM customers are mainly industry, hotels, power companies, and BOE (Build-Own-Operate) companies as well as municipalities as operators of hospitals, senior resident homes and swimming pools. Internationally, SOKRATHERM CHP units run not only in many western European countries like Ireland, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland but also in numerous eastern Euopean countries as Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Russia and Slovenia as well as in South America.
With our ISO 9001 certified quality management system we fulfill highest requirements and are listed among the pre-qualified companies of the PQ association. Also, SOKRATHERM is part of the Exportinitiative Energieeffizienz initiated by the German ministry of economics and technology.