Management of one CHP unit, boiler and heat storage. Standard plants with one CHP unit, one boiler and (if present) one heat storage can be controlled with the serially delivered MiniManager.
CHP unit selection and deselection guided by
- Heat demand
Guiding parameters for the control of the CHP unit are the return flow temperature and the filling level of the storage. As soon as the heat demand drops below the CHP unit’s thermal power it switches to a demand-adapted partial load.
- Power demand
Selection and deselection via a contact of the customer side building control system. Optional also with >Zero feed-in control< to avoid feeding power into the mains.
- Emergency power operation
If equipped with battery pack and emergency cooler, the CHP unit can optionally take over the supply of an emergency power bar in case of mains failure – seamless or (when CHP unit is idle) within seconds via instant start. Also see configuration option emergency power operation.
- Gas storage filling level
At sewage or biogas plants, the filling level of the gas storage is regarded to optimize the CHP unit operation.
Boiler selection and deselection
The CHP unit generally runs with priority. At higher heat demand or unavailability of the CHP unit the boiler is selected automatically.
Heat storage management
Depending on the filling level of the heat storage the heat generators are selected and deselected via temperature sensors and the storage filled or discharged.
Connection to the building management system (BMS)
Many options for the communication with a BMS are available – from digital standard contacts to customized bus protocols as Profibus-DP, Modbus, LONBus and others.
Combination with RemoteManager