The public power company badenova has equipped the new building #3 of its headquarter in Freiburg with our compact CHP unit GG 70 in 2014 and applied for an evaluation of the building by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB, „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen“). The result of the evaluation of most various sustainable building aspects was the highest Platinum award with an 82.5 % degree of fulfillment.
In early 2021 with building #4 another new construction of the headuarter was evaluated by the DGNB. The evaluation result of this new building, which had been connected to building #3 during the construction works also in regard to the energy flows, even exceeded the prior result with an 86,8 % fulfillment degree and also resulted in a Platinum award.
To acquire a DGNB award with Platinum standard, among other attributes, an ambitious energy concept is required. The new building is, for example, equipped with a modern ventilation system which replaces a conventional chiller. The required heat is generated (together with electricity) by the biomethane powered compact CHP unit GG 70 and is combined with an efficient heat recovery system. The comprehensively controllable building component activation system provides best comfort throughout all seasons and minimises energy consumption. Moreover, a very high proportion of the building material is demountable and recyclable. Roughly 340 employees work in a completely pollutant-free building and are supplied with 34,000 m³ of fresh outside air per hour.
Over the past five years the CHP unit achieved a high average utilization rate of 6,300 h per year and operated with an excellent availability rate of 98.8%. We are very pleased by this award, congratulate badenova and are proud to know that our CHP unit could make a contribution to this success.
Further information about the award and the building (in German) can be read here on the badenova Website.