Intelligent CHP unit control for fully automatic operation. Since 2011 the iPC control is delivered with every SOKRATHERM CHP and operated on site via touchpanel. Its functions comprise:
Automatic control of all CHP unit components and MiniManager controlled peripherals with possibilities to interfere manually.
Recording of all incidents which have affected the operation (e.g. mains disturbance) and immediate reaction by issuing warning notes, adjustment of parameters (e.g. load reduction) or shutdown of the CHP unit (fault). The majority of faults can be acknowledged by operation staff on site or from distance with the optionally available RemoteManager.
Recording of all relevant data (e.g. power, temperatures, faults) on a separate flash memory in minute cycles.
Temporally high resolution logging of the operation data prior to a fault for best analysis and fault resolving.
Graphic display of operation data as diagram for data analysis.
Integration and processing of external data sources such as power meters, gas meters and heat meters possible – as well as their remote reading via the optional RemoteManager.
Adaption of boundary values, timing relays and other parameters for the optimization of the complete plant operation, also via the optional RemoteManager.
Combination with RemoteManager, MiniManager PRO or MaxiManager